Recertifications (Annual, Biennial, Triennial)

What is a Recertification?

  • A regularly scheduled reexamination of family income and composition.
  • Ensures continued program eligibility
  • Determines a family’s subsidy amount and rental portion.

When do recertifications happen?

  • Recertification month is initially based on the move-in date.
  • Recertifications are scheduled 90-days in advance of the effective date.
  • A recertification packet is mailed with a date for the participant to return.
  • ​​Recertifications are scheduled either Annually, Biennially, or Triennially.  The frequency is determined by the family's income source. Generally families where all adults are Elderly or disabled in specific programs where ALL income sources come from a fixed source such as SSI, SS or pensions are conducted triennially.  Families in programs which require an annual recertification or have no annual income for the entire family are conducted annually.  All other families have recertifications every 2 years. 

What is required to complete a recertification?

  • Recertification Packet: 
o Personal Declaration
o Income & Asset Statement
o OHA Authorization Release
o Participant Obligations- varies by program
o Debts Owed
  • Supporting Documents (Provided by the family)
o Income Verification
4 Most recent and consecutive paycheck stubs
Benefits Award Letter
Business Income Documentation
Letter from persons who provide financial/in-kind support
o Asset Verification
Checking & Savings Account Statements
Investment Income statements
Whole Life Insurance Polices
  • ​OHA Verification
o Upfront Income Verification
Enterprise Income Verification (EIV)
CalWin (Alameda County Social Services Agency)